Game ini bener-bener di recomendasikan buat para newbie, dan tentunya buat yang udah jadi hacker mah gak usah coba, soalnya mungkin sangat mudah sekali untuk menyelesaikannya.
Dan ini screenshot ketika sedang bermain :
(via 4shared)(yang ini sudah plus crack)
dan cracknya bisa didownload di sini (via indowebster)
supaya mudah dalm bermain ini aku punya walkthroughnya tapi hanya yang tutorial karena bagi yang belum mengerti cukup bingung juga.(tapi ini dalam bhs.inggris nanti diterjemahin sendiri ya,heheheeheh)
Date : January 1, 2008 Welcome to Hacker Evolution Untold! As the introduction says, this is your basic game tutorial. It has detailed instructions along the way and to top it off, you can always type tutorial to get the step by step instructions.Below is the in-game tutorial text in its entirety (copyright Exosyphen Studios of course): The first level in the game is a simple tutorial, in which you will get to learn all aspects of the game. You can also follow the instructions you receive in the game. As soon as you start the level, you receive a message. The message instructs you to crack the following server: Type the following command in the console to crack the server: crack Wait for the crack to finish. After this, the first level objective is completed. You can press F2 to see the level objectives and their status. Next, we should connect to and look for a hint for the next server. Our second objective is to hack into the main corporate server. Type the following command to connect to connect Next, type: ls to view what files are available on the server. There is one file available, called: access.log. To display its contents, type: cat access.log You will notice a hint to: The host it not visible on the target map. To reveal it, use the scan command:scan Next, type: logout to disconnect from Now, it's time to hack The server has an encryption key which must be decrypted first. To do this, type: decrypt Wait for the decrypt process to finish. Next, you will have to hack the service running on port 25 on To do this, type: crack 25 and wait for the crack to finish. Next, we have to connect to and read the instructions in the file that is present on the server. To do this, type: connect 25 Note: You can scroll the console window contents with the mouse, or using the PgUp/PgDn keys. Now, you have to follow the instructions in the file, to hack into First, you have to reveal the server on the target map. To do this, type: scan You will notice that it has a 256 bits encryption key. You have to setup a bounced link to avoid being traced when decrypting this encryption key. To do this, click on : and You will notice that they have been added to the bounced link. Now you can proceed to decrypt the encryption key. Type: decrypt Wait for the decrypt process to finish. Note: To learn more about bounced links, type: bouncehelp in the console.Next, you will have to hack the service running on port 99 on The password is 16 characters long, so you have to leave the bounced link in place to be able to do this. Type: crack 99 and wait for the crack to finish. After you are finished, remove the hosts from the bounced link, by clicking on them. Note: Use the bounced links carefully, as you can only bounce 3 times through a hacked host. Next, you will have to crack the service running on port 49. It uses an 18 character long password, so even using a bounced link, you will still get traced. There is another way for this. Find the password. To do this, connect on port 99, and look inside the password.dat file: connect 99 The password is: mywordismypassword. Use the password to crack the service running on port 49: login mywordismypassword The second level objective is now completed. (Press F2 to view your objectives). Notice that there is some money available on To transfer it, connect to the server and transfer the money in 2 chunks, to avoid being traced: connect 99 Wait for each transfer to finish, before starting the next one, and logout when you are done. Next, you receive a new message with further instructions. Also, it's a good time to reduce your trace level (you can see this in the system panel window). To do this, type: killtrace Don't use it more than once at this time, as you will need the money to finish the level. Each time you use the killtrace command, your IP address is changed, and you are charged $500 for this service. Note: If your trace level reaches 100%, you lose the game and have to restart the level.Let's read the new instructions. Type: connect 49 Your next target is Use the scan command to reveal it on the map:scan Use a bounced link to decrypt its encryption key. After you have setup a bounced link through 1 server, type: decrypt and wait for the decrypt process to finish. The service running on port 149 has a 64 character long password, which you can't hack now. To hack this service, you must retrieve and use an exploit. To do this, type: connect 49 To complete your 3rd level objective, you have to retrieve and upload the virus file to To do this, type: connect 49 Wait for each command to finish, before typing the next one. Your 3rd level objective is now completed. You will notice that your trace level has reached a pretty high value. You must reduce it in order to avoid being traced and to complete your 4th level objective (reduce your trace level below 60%). To reduce your trace level, you have to connect to each server you have hacked, and delete the logs, using the deletelogs command. To do this, type:connect connect 25 connect 99 connect 149 Your trace level should be low enough now. To complete the last objective (and the level), you must obtain $2000 in your account. Move the mouse over each server on the map, to see which one still has some money on has $1000 which you can transfer to complete the level. To do this, type: connect 149 You have now completed the level. The game allows you to continue exploring the level for another 10 minutes. You can use this time to locate hidden servers, money, delete logs, etc. Whenever you want to advance to the next level, just type: nextlevel In addition to the above tutorial, note that there's also a hidden server by the name You want to at least scan for it so you can get the 500 end level bonus for discovering all servers on the level. There's $500 on that server, but it's not worth the trouble considering how much you'll jack up your trace level in order to get it. Below is an alternative set of instructions - more compact and efficient, but lacking the educational element: scan Notice the entry for scan decrypt scan Add to the bounce link. Note the tutorial text erroneously calls for two hosts on the bounce link, while a single one is sufficient. decrypt Remove from the bounce link. connect 99 Now you know the password for the service on port 49: mywordismypassword logout login mywordismypassword Add to the bounce link. This allows us to transfer all $1500 in a single transaction. connect 49 Note the virus source: scan scan Make sure is still in your bounce link. decrypt Remove from the bounce link. exec secure_control_149.exploit That completes the last of your objectives. sekian dariku terima kasih. (lebih baik kalau download pakai idm biar download nya cepat,tapi jika pakai yang "via 4shared"kalau pake idm gak bisa di pause) |
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